In this discussion, we will go over the applications of immunotherapy in cancer, the immunotherapy agents, and the future direction of chemotherapy. Introduction to Immunotherapies in Cancer The primary difference between monoclonal antibodies and immunotherapies is that monoclonal antibodies flag down cancer cells and immunotherapies focus on the immune systemContinue Reading

In this lesson, we will review the prevalence of mental health disorders in the United States, the steps in ALGEE, and review specific considerations. Review of Mental Health Disorders There is a difference between mental health and mental illness. It is possible to have optimal mental health with severe mentalContinue Reading

In this article, we will discuss the therapeutic management of restless leg syndrome, essential tremors, and Parkinson’s Disease. Remember that there is currently no cure for these, and our goal is to manage symptoms and slow down the progression in the case of Parkinson’s Disease. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) ThereContinue Reading

In this post, we will discuss the etiology and clinical features of restless legs syndrome, essential tremor, and Parkinson’s disease. Introduction to Movement Disorders Anyone can exhibit a physiologic tremor. Typically, these are not persistent. Tremors become abnormal when they are persistent and affect normal functioning. Abnormal tremors can beContinue Reading

In this article, we will discuss the diagnostic criteria, the types of dementia, Alzheimer’s differential diagnostic criteria, dementia screening tools, and pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies used in the treatment of dementia. Introduction to Dementia Dementia is a progressive dysfunction of the cortex, resulting in a cognitive decline over a longContinue Reading

This article will discuss the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s and the mechanisms of actions of medications to treat dementia and Alzheimer’s. Introduction of Alzheimer’s Disease There are three stages of Alzheimer’s disease: Genetic Predisposition Apolipoprotein E (APOE) is a protein that helps carry cholesterol in the bloodstream. It has been demonstratedContinue Reading

In this discussion, we go over a basic overview of epilepsy, different types of epilepsy, pharmacologic agents, and status epilepticus. Epilepsy Overview Epilepsy is prevalent in 1.2% of the population in the U.S. This makes it somewhat rare, but can be very debilitating. The onset is usually in childhood orContinue Reading

In this discussion, we will go over common pediatric mental health conditions as well as the pharmacologic agents. Introduction to Psychopharmacology in Children and Adolescents Many psychiatric disorders in children stemmed from family background and their environment. Children who have strong social support, even temperament, and high intelligence tend toContinue Reading

In this discussion, we will go over the mechanisms of antiepileptic medications Characteristics of Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs) These are medications that decrease the frequency and/or severity of seizures in people with epilepsy. It is important to note that these medications do not prevent epilepsy development. The goal is to maximizeContinue Reading

In this discussion, we will go over the neurophysiology of seizure initiation and propagation, and the pathophysiology of epilepsy. Introduction to Epilepsy Quick definitions: Epilepsy is the 2nd most common neurologic disorder in the world. It’s estimated that 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy. There is some evidence thatContinue Reading