Patient counseling is a big part of a pharmacist’s duty. This article outlines the steps for patient counseling as recommended by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Step One: Establish a caring relationship Step Two: Assess the Patient’s Knowledge Of the Medication Step Three: Provide Information Step Four: VerifyContinue Reading

In this discussion, we will talk about different types of insomnia, sleep hygiene strategies, and pharmacologic options. Insomnia Overview Sleep is important! Insufficient sleep has been shown to lead to a multitude of health problems. When someone is unable to obtain sufficient sleep during the inability of fall asleep orContinue Reading

In this topic, we will discuss the neurobiology of sleep, sleep disorders, and pharmacologic options for sleep disorders. Sleep is Important! Here’s why Stages of Sleep Neurobiology of Sleep There are two opposing processes when we learn about sleep: The arousal process and the sleep process. The reticular activating systemContinue Reading

In this section, we’re discussing the circadian rhythm to prepare for sedative medication discussion. We will go over the anatomy and physiology of circadian rhythms. What are circadian rhythms and their functions? Many of our physiological processes work according to the daily cycle that moves according to the environmental timeContinue Reading

In this section, we are going to discuss presentations and treatment plans for OCD and PTSD. OCD and PTSD are part of a larger group of anxiety disorders. It is important to know that medications can induce anxiety. Below are some that can do that: Rapid titration of any ofContinue Reading

In this section, we are going to be talking about the neurobiological theories of trauma, DSM-5 elements for PTSD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, and OCD, clinical presentations of PTSD, and the different components of OCD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) It is our physiological make-up that we tendContinue Reading

In this section, we will discuss the pharmacotherapy of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. For each disease state, we will go over symptoms, pharmacologic treatments, and adverse drug events for each treatment. Epidemiology of Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychiatric disorders.Continue Reading

Benzodiazepines (BZDs) Fact Sheet: Mechanism of Action: Potentiate activity of GABA at GABAa receptors. This leads to anxiolytic and sedating effects. *Pause* Does this make sense? GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. BZDs increase the activity of GABA, which means more inhibitory effects. This leads to a sedating effect. Onset ofContinue Reading

What is Anxiety Disorder Anxiety is normal! It’s the body’s natural reaction to stress. The activation of the sympathetic nervous system triggers this. Our body only has one stress response system, so it doesn’t matter whether that stress comes from you running away from the bear or you taking anContinue Reading